My Photography Journey…

So where did it all start? I think it was most probably my mum and grandpa - we spent a huge amount of time outside and there was always a camera around. My mum, whilst she would probably deny it, is incredibly creative. Me I work in technology so I understand completely the science behind photography but hidden inside is my creative side. Put these two things together and you have the perfect storm. I got my first digital camera as a present… I never really used it and for some reason I could never put the science and creativity together. I went on an intro course and from that day I never looked back. I am mainly self taught using the wonders of the internet. You Tube is my best friend. I love the whole process from planning to getting out and taking the picture and finally the editing - the things you can do in post processing is incredible (I will talk about this in a future post). Finally add my love of the outdoors and you have a landscape photographer!

What equipment do I use? Do you really care? Its one of my pet hates is peoples obsession with “gear” - cameras today are incredible and is there a bad one? I’m not sure there is anymore. To me its about usability and enabling me to get out and shoot. Plus it’s me that takes the shot not the camera.

My process is simple shoot local, shoot regularly, make mistakes and learn. Patience is the key - as is light and these, strangely, go hand in hand - how many times do we wait for the light or the perfect conditions…. Do I always come away with a shot - yes - is it a portfolio shot? Rarely. Many of these photographs are record shots which tell me to go back in the right conditions or perhaps don’t go back it doesn’t work - every shot teaches you something new.

What do I get out of it? Pure enjoyment and relaxation… is there anything better than being out in the countryside at sunrise - just me, my camera and my dog… listening to the world wake up? I don’t think so. Photography gives me enough engagement to also keep my mind active….

It would be great to hear what you get out of photography and your journey.